Greek Collection

Shh! Don't Wake the Baby!
Σσσσ! Θα ξυπνήσεις το μωρό!
Illustrated by Petra Brown and translated by Αγγελική Πορτοκάλογλου, hardback, picture storybook, colour, 26 pages, 29 x 28 cm (scrapbook size), ISBN: 978-960-98703-6-8, 2009, Kokkini Klosti Demeni Publishers in Greek, 885g, #619, $26 AUD
Mummy elephant has finally managed to put Baby Elephant to sleep. She asks Little Elephant to be as quiet as he can. That’s not easy for a little elephant! Will he wake the baby? The animals in the jungle are all trying to be quiet too! The last double pages pop up to bring the jungle to life with a big surprise! Beautifully illustrated.

Oταν η μαμά βάζει το μωρό της να κοιμηθεί, ζητά από το μικρό ελεφαντάκι να καθίσει όσο πιο ήσυχα μπορεί. Δεν είναι και τόσο εύκολο για ένα μικρό ελεφαντάκι! Δες αν θα καταφέρει να μην ξυπνήσει το μωρό!
Μια πρωτότυπη ιστορία με την εξαιρετική εικονογράφηση της Petra Brown και μια μεγάλη έκπληξη στο τέλος.
Συγγνώμη! Sorry!
Written by Landa Norbert, Illustrated by Tim Warnes and translated by Αγγελική Πορτοκάλογλου, hardback, picture storybook, colour, 26 pages, 29 x 28 cm (scrapbook size), ISBN: 978-960-98703-6-8, 2009, Kokkini Klosti Demeni Publishers in Greek, 885g, #607, $2? AUD
Bear & Rabbit are best friends who live in their Bear-Rabbit house & cook together in their Bear-Rabbit kitchen. One day Rabbit spots something shiny & twinkling in their Bear-Rabbit yard but the two friends can't agree on what it is. Could this be the end of their friendship? Funny, story about what really matters. 
Ο αρκούδας και ο λαγός είναι οι καλύτεροι φίλοι.  Ζουν στο αρκουδολαγουδόσπιτο και μαγειρεύουν τα αρκουδολαγουδοφαγητά τους στην αρκουδολαγουδοκουζίνα τους. Μια μέρα όμως βρίσκουν ένα υπέροχο λαμπερό πράγμα και δεν μπορούν να συμφωνήσουν σε ποιον από τους δυο ανήκει. Μπορεί αυτό να σημαίνει το τέλος μιας μοναδικής φιλίας; Μια χαριτωμένη, τρυφερή και συγκινητική ιστορία, κεφάτη, γεμάτη χιούμορ και δροσιά!
The Bears in the Bed and the Great Big Storm
Όταν οι αρκούδες πήγαν για ύπνο τη νύχτα της φοβερής και τρομερής καταιγίδας 
Written by Paul Bright, illustrated by Jane Chapman and translated by Αγγελική Πορτοκάλογλου, hardback, picture storybook, colour, 26 pages, 29 x 26 cm (oversized), ISBN: 978-960-89982-8-5,  2008, Kokkini Klosti Demeni Publishers in Greek, 488g, #608, $ -- AUD 
One by one, three young bears: Baby Bear, Little Bear and Young Bear crawl into bed with their parents because they are scared of the thunderstorm. They also think that there are monsters outside although their mother tells them monsters are not real. 'What scaredy-bears you are!' says Daddy Bear. But when there's a rat-tat-tat at the door and the lights go out, Daddy Bear is not quite as brave as he seems. He lies awake while his family sleeps. When there is a knock at the door, a frightened Bear answers and discovers that the "monster" is a moose looking for shelter. Young children, who are scared of strange noises that night often brings, will be comforted by the fact that adults can be frightened, too.
Μια ιστορία με εντυπωσιακή εικονογράφηση κατάλληλη για κάθε παιδί που κάποια στιγμή, όπως όλοι μας, φοβήθηκε το σκοτάδι.
A Rainy Day - Μια Βροχερή Μέρα
Written by M.Christina Butler, illustrated by Tina Macnaughton, and translated by Αγγελική Πορτοκάλογλου, hardback, picture book, colour, 24 pages, 23x28 cm, ISBN: 978-960-89982-9-2, 2009, Kokkini Klosti Demeni Publishers in Greek, 404g #609, $--AUD, A shinny touchy feely book
 One Rainy Day is about just that. Little Hedgehog wakes up to the sound of raindrops & is very excited because he can finally wear his spiffy new matching yellow rain coat and boots and  use his shinny new red polka dot umbrella to get out for some puddle jumping fun. The little shower turns into a major storm & Little Hedgehog's day turns into a great adventure as he must use his rain gear to rescue his friends. A wonderful story with all the animals play in the rain and get along instead of hunting each other instead of being mean.
 Ο μικρός σκαντζόχοιρος ενθουσιάζεται μια μέρα που ξυπνά και συνειδητοποιεί ότι βρέχει. Γρήγορα όμως η βροχή και ο αέρας δυναμώνουν και η βροχερή μέρα του μικρού σκαντζόχοιρου γίνεται μια σπουδαία μεγάλη περιπέτεια!
Slowly Slowly - Σιγά σιγά
Written by Amber Stewart, illustrated by Layn Marlow and translated by Αγγελική Πορτοκάλογλο, hardback, picture storybook, colour, 26 pages, 25x25 cm, ISBN: 978-960-98486-3-3, 2009, Kokkini Klosti Demeni Publishers in Greek, 364g, #610, $ -- AUD
Scramble is a little otter who can't swim. He writes a Can-do and Can't-do List. The Can't do side just says 'swimming'. Not being able to swim is a big problem because it means he is teased by some of the riverbank animals. He feels left out when everyone else is in the water. It means he spends hours and hours sitting on his own on the slippery rock wishing that he could. He thinks of something his Mum older sister said. 'You've got to start small...' And so, slowly, slowly, Scramble builds his confidence in the water and overcomes this obstacle until, finally, he can really swim! The heart of this gentle story is the message about learning a new skill with encouragement - something that is important for young children everywhere.
Ο Μπλουμ είναι μια μικρή βίδρα που δεν ξέρει να κολυμπά. Σιγά σιγά αποκτά μεγαλύτερη άνεση μέσα στο νερό ώσπου καταφέρνει να κολυμπά και να κάνει τούμπες με τους φίλους του. Αυτή η τρυφερή ιστορία εκτός από την εκμάθηση μιας νέας δεξιότητας περνά το μήνυμα της ενθάρρυνσης των μικρών παιδιών σε καθετί που κάνουν.
I Love My Blanket - Αγαπώ την κουβερτούλα μου
Written by Amber Stewart, illustrated by Layn Marlow and translated by Αγγελική Πορτοκάλογλου, hardback, picture storybook, colour, 26 pages, 25x25 cm, ISBN: 978-960-98486-1-9, 2009, Kokkini Klosti Demeni Publishers in Greek, 368g, #614, $--AUD
The rabbit, blanket, butterflies and flowers on the cover are made of a very soft velour.
Bean is a little rabbit who is getting bigger every day. She is sure that she will never, ever be too big for her Blanket. Her parents try to persuade her very gently, that perhaps she can stop carrying Blanket everywhere with her, she decides that she must hide it in a safe place to protect it from being taken. The trouble with hiding things in very safe places is that they can't always be found again and Bean has to face her first bedtime without Blanket. Bean doesn't like being without her Blanket. Day by day, she learns to let go. One day when Bean is out playing with her friends, she sees a little baby fox cub cuddling her Blanket. She is happy to see the little fox cub playing with it and is not at all envious. Blanket makes Bean feel very grown up indeed!
Η Μπίνι είναι ένα μικρό κουνελάκι. Παρόλο που μεγαλώνει μέρα με τη μέρα, είναι σίγουρη ότι ποτέ μα ποτέ δεν θα πάψει να χρειάζεται την κουβερτούλα της. Αυτή η τρυφερή ιστορία αφηγείται πώς η Μπίνι μεγαλώνοντας εγκαταλείπει την κουβερτούλα της - και το απλό μήνυμά της θα αγγίξει πολλές οικογένειες.
Just Like Tonight – Όπως Απόψε
Written by Amber Stewart, illustrated by Layn Marlow and translated by Αγγελική Πορτοκάλογλου,hardback, picture book, colour, 26 pages, 25x25 cm, ISBN: 978-960-98486-4-0, 2009, Kokkini Klosti Demeni Publishers in Greek, 404g, #611, $ -- AUD
Button is a little bear cub who is ready to go to bed. Button thought of the fallen log he climbed over during the afternoon which reminded him of a big bear asleep in the grass. He is worried that the tree-bear might move into his dreams and scare. Dad comforts him tells him about how he was born to make him feel good and go to sleep. This lovely book celebrates the joy of parenthood and the special bond between fathers and their children.
Ο Μπάτον είναι ένα μικρό αρκουδάκι. Κάποιες φορές, λίγο πριν κοιμηθεί, ανησυχεί μήπως δει άσχημα όνειρα, ο μπαμπάς του όμως ξέρει ακριβώς τι πρέπει να κάνει. Του διηγείται μια τρυφερή ιστορία, με υπέροχες οικογενειακές αναμνήσεις. Το βιβλίο αυτό υμνεί τη χαρά της πατρότητας και τον ιδιαίτεροδεσμό που αναπτύσσεται ανάμεσα σε κάθε πατέρα και το παιδί του. Oups! - Ουπς!  
Written by Penny Kidd and illustrated by Rosalind Beardshaw, hardback, colour, 23 x 25.5 cm, 30 pages, Rekos Publisher A warm and friendly book showing that you don’t have to be perfect to be loved! The simple text shows some childhood ‘disasters’ as a result of clumsiness, naughtiness or willfulness etc. This gently raises the idea of saying sorry and forgiveness, and is designed to reassure young children that they are loved even when things go wrong.
Leonidas can’t fit in his bathers
Ο Λεωνίδας δε χωράει πια στο μαγιό του
Written by Moumi Douanet and illustrated by Nanou, hardback, colour, 22 x 22cm, 16 pages, 2004, Rekos Publishers
Leonidas has put on so much weight that he cannot fit into his bathers. To cover up his weight gain he puts on a coat and refuses to go swimming. He is very sad and his mum is upset with him for eating all the food. Leonidas realises that he needs to go on a diet and eating healthy food. On his birthday he does not dare eat any of his cake because he is afraid of putting on weight. He starts to lose some weight which makes him very happy.

Minas wont try to play ball 
Ο Μηνάς δεν τολμάει να παίξει μπάλα
Written by Moumi Douanet and illustrated by Nanou, hardback, colour, 22 x 22cm, 16 pages, 2004, published by Rekos Publishers
Minas the rabbit walks to school by himself. He is very shy and won’t play with ball with the other rabbits. Minas is quiet in the classroom and won’t answer any questions and at playtime he won’t play with others. He is very sad and lonely. Emily wants to be Minas’ friend so she visits him at home. She slips in the snow, falls off the staircase and become wonderful friends.
How I Feel - Αυτό που νιώθω
Written by Janan Cain, hardback, colour, 23 x 25.5m, 40 pages, original text in French, 2009, Papadopoulos Publishers
From scared to shy, bored to jealous, all the emotions are covered in a series of rhymes with pastel pencil drawings featuring elflike children. The opening spread, "silly" ("Silly is the way I feel when I make a funny face and wear a goofy hat that takes up lots of space"), casts a child in a rainbow-colored clown outfit against a sunny yellow backdrop. Children who struggle to express their feelings of frustration may feel The Way I Feel was written just for them.
Ένα ξεχωριστό βιβλίο, που δίνει με χιούμορ στα παιδιά τις λέξεις για να εκφράσουν τα συναισθήματα τους, ώστε να μπορούν να καταλαβαίνουν καλύτερα και να συζητούν όσα νιώθουν. 
Aliens Love Underpants!
Εξωγηινάκια με Γήινα Βρακάκια!
Written Claire Freedman and illustrated by Ben Cort, hardback, colour, 24 pages, 2008, ISBN: 978-960-699-719-8, Minoas Publishers
Aliens love underpants in every shape and size, but there are no underpants in space. So they visit earth to simply steal your pants! A zany and hilarious tale with vibrant illustrations that will sure to enchant and amuse the whole family. With a madcap, rhyming text, perfect for joining in. This story is fantastically fresh and funny - you'll laugh your pants off! Έχετε δει ποτέ εξωγήινους; Όχι; Είναι γιατί δεν ξέρετε πως να τους καλέσετε...  Το πιο πρωτότυπο και πολύχρωμο βιβλίο της χρονιάς!! Μια απίθανη ιστορία που λύνει τη μεγάλη απορία όλων: Γιατί έρχονται οι εξωγήινοι στη Γη;
Sample text in Greek
Διαβάστε το και θα σας αποδείξουμε πως ο καλύτερος τρόπος να φωνάξεις τους εξωγήινους στη γη είναι μια καλή ...μπουγάδα! Γιατί όλοι ξέρουν ότι οι εξωγήινοι λατρεύουν τα γήινα βρακάκια!
Τα Τρία Μικρά Λυκάκια  
Written by Eugenios Trivizas  (ΕΥΓΕΝΙΟΣ ΤΡΙΒΙΖΑΣ - Greek author), hardback, colour A4, 40 pages, ISBN: 978-960-240-239-9, Minoas Publishers
This story reverses the roles of the Three Little Pigs story to the Three Little Wolves with a twist in the end. The last house the little wolf built was made of aromatic flowers and the little pig was so mesmerized by the beautiful smells that he could not …..   Later the bad pig and the three little wolves l……. h……. e ……  af……!
Όταν τα τρία μικρά λυκάκια χτίζουν ένα σπίτι από τούβλα, ο Ρούνι Ρούνι, το ύπουλο κακό γουρούνι, το γκρεμίζει με το σφυρί του. Όταν χτίζουν ένα σπίτι από τσιμέντο, το γκρεμίζει με το κομπρεσέρ του! Τι πρέπει να κάνουν τα τρία μικρά λυκάκια για να γλιτώσουν; Ένα κλασικό πλέον παραμύθι για τη συμφιλίωση, την κατανόηση και την ειρήνη, που έγινε παγκόσμιο μπεστ σέλερ.

Ποιος έφαγε την κρέμα μου? Written by Christina Butler and translated by Rena Rossi-Zairi Hardback, colour 24 pages, A4, first published in Greek in 2004 Little Bear hates porridge. Even with honey, berries and nuts, Little Bear won''t eat his porridge. So every morning Mommy and Daddy set the porridge outside for "Old Scary Bear", who loves porridge. And everyday, the porridge always gets eaten by someone'. Now Little Bear is convinced that there really is an "Old Scary Bear" who loves porridge. Then after spending the day with his Aunt, Uncle and cousins playing Scary Bear games Little Bear has a bad dream in which "Old Scary Bear" is chasing him through the woods! So the next morning Little Bear ate two bowls of porridge. And when he went outside to gather nuts, who were waiting for him? Greek Description - Σύντομη περιγραφή Μια διασκεδαστική ιστορία που βοηθάει το παιδί να "αγαπήσει" τα φαγητά που δεν του αρέσουν.  Το μικρό αρκουδάκι δεν τρώει την κρέμα του.  ― Όχι κρέμα! Όχι κρέμα! φωνάζει. ―Όλα τα αρκουδάκια τρώνε κρέμα, απαντάει η μαμά του. Αν δεν τη φας, θα τη δώσουμε στον μπαμπούλα αρκούδο που ζει στο δάσος. Το μικρό αρκουδάκι δεν πιστεύει πως υπάρχει μπαμπούλας αρκούδος που ζει στο δάσος. Αλλά κάποιος τρώει τα μπολ με την κρέμα που αφήνουν έξω από το σπίτι τους...
Το Πάτερ Ημών για παιδιά Hardback, colour, 20.5 x 20.5 cm, 32 pages, religious theme, ISBN: 978-960-240-417-1
Our Father who art in heaven is explained with a short verse and explanation.
Ο Χριστός είπε στους μαθητές Του να απευθύνονται στο Θεό όπως στον πατέρα τους... και Εκείνος θα τους δεχτεί σαν μικρά παιδιά.  Να, λοιπόν, ένα βιβλίο που με λίγα λόγια και ευχάριστες εικόνες μαθαίνει στα παιδιά την προσευχή που ο Κύριος δίδαξε. 
Οι φίλοι είναι για πάντα
Written by Sally Grindley and illustrated by Penny Dann 

Hardback, colour, 21 x 25cm, 40 pages, known as What are friends for? published in Greek in 1999 by Papadopoulos Publishers. ISBN: 960-261-914-7
This is a humorous story about Zaharia the laid back bear and Natalia the fox. Natalia questions the meaning of friendship and realise that their strong friendship gets them through some difficult situations. Key themes in this story are: haring, helping , playing, understanding and forgiveness.
Ενα πανέμορφο τρυφερό βιβλίο που μιλάει για τη φιλία. Ο τεράστιος αρκούδος ο Ζαχαρίας και η μικρούλα αλεπουδίτσα Ναταλία αντιμετωπίζουν όλες τις δυσκολίες μαζί και η φιλία τους τους βοηθάει να ξεπερνάνε όλα τα εμπόδια.