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The Watermelon Route - Tareeq El Bateekh
Written and Illustrated by Quentin Gréban, Translated by Fatima Sharafeddine, Hardback, 25 x 29 cm, 26 pages, colour, ISBN:9948150570, 468g, hardback, published in 2009 by Kalimat Publishers, $28 AUD
Samssoum decides to take ten watermelons to the house of the girl he is infatuated with to express his love. The girl lives on the other side of town, so the trip is long. Will he be able to carry his load on his own or does he get help from others on the way? Does he succeed in giving all ten melons to the girl as he had planned?
So Far So Good - Hatta Al An
Written and Illustrated by Quentin Gréban, Translated by Fatima Sharafeddine, Hardback, 25 x 29 cm, 26 pages, colour, ISBN:9789948150558, 468g, hardback, published in 2009 by Kalimat Publishers, $28 AUD
Is the sultan, with his great wisdom, going to find out who is guilty of causing a big turmoil in the market place? A hilarious story recounting a series of misfortunes, all set in motion by a naughty little orange that fell off the tree!
I Have an Appointment – Andi Maouid
Rashid is troubled about his upcoming visit to the doctor. He wonders what the doctor will look like and whether he will get poked with a needle? Will his sharp eyes discover that Rashid does not always
finish his salad? Will he ban ice cream and chocolates? But after the visit , Rashid returns home happily looking forward to his next visit to the doctor. What exactly happened at the doctor’s clinic? This book will reassure first time visitors to the doctor's clinic.
Written by Fatima Sharafeddine and Illustrated by Maya Fidawi, Hardcover, 26 x 21 cm, 20 pages, colour, ISBN 9789948037378
During her evening walks with her mum, the little girl sings to the moon asking it about her grandmother who has passed away. She misses her a lot and does not understand why she is gone. Why is her house up in the sky? This well written book deals with the sensitive issue of loss in a simple, natural and gentle manner easily understood by young readers. Through the book, they learn that death is yet another part of the cycle of life.
Hardcover, 25 x 19 cm, 36 pages, colour, ISBN 9789948037378
Hamda has just become big enough to start wearing her veil like her older sisters. Each sister chips in with her own suggestions based on what worked for her. But it is up to Hamda to work out her own unique way to wear the veil making it a part of her active and happy life.
Hithaa Al Eid - The Eid Shoes
Written by Fatima Sharafeddine and Illustrated by Ousama Mezher
Hardcover, 22 x 25 cm, 30 pages, colour, ISBN 978 9948155409, published by Kalimat Publishers
Dima badly wants a pair of blue shoes she saw, but has to wait until Eid for her mum to buy them for her. On the morning of Eid, she puts on her new dress with her matching new blue shoes and goes to her grandparents’ house where the whole family has gathered to celebrate.
A simple, well written book, The Eid Shoes is an interesting account of the celebration of Eid and the Arab culture as seen through the eyes of young Dima.
Written by Abir Ballan and Illustrated by Jowel Ashqar
Hardcover, 27 x 20.5 cm, 24 pages, colour, ISBN 9789948155355, 2010, published by Kalimat Publishers
When dad and I play together, we pretend to be animals; we dived like sharks, roared like lions, hunted like dogs, drunk like elephants, sung like nightingales… This book enriches the child’s imagination and provides them with feelings of love and security.
Written by Abir Ballan and Illustrated by Tarek Kamal, Harcover, 22 x 24 cm, 34 pages, colour, 2010, ISBN 9789948155393, published by Kalimat Publishers
While driving his new car through a number of scenic places, Rani tells us in this wildly imaginative little book how even kids can help in their own little ways to save the land and sea animals, control pollution, and conserve forests to make the world a better place for the next generation.
Mimi’s Hair - Shaer Mimi
Written Fatima Sharafeddine, Illustrated by Rasha Muneeb El Hakeem
Hardcover, 23 x 26 cm, 24 pages, colour, ISBN 9789948150442, 2009, published by Kalimat Publishers
Mimi wanted more than anything to have straight hair instead of her stubborn curls. Her mum said it was not appropriate at her age to get her hair straightened so Mimi went to bed a little upset and had a dream. What could she have dreamt about?
Written by Fatima Sharafeddine and Illustrated by Amal Karzai, Hardcover, 20 x 22 cm, 18 pages, colour, 2009, ISBN 9789948151456, published by Kalimat Publishers
A boy wishes he were a bird so he could fly back to his beautiful house, on the other side of the wall. He is trying to understand why his family and their neighbours were forced to leave their nice colourful homes and live in unfinished grey cement houses surrounded by a wall. Will they ever be able to return to their lovely homes?
Written by Sanaa Chabbani and Illustrated by Manal Haddadine, Hardcover, 30 x 23 cm, 28 pages, colour, 2009, ISBN 9789948037507, published by Kalimat Publishers
Raji is a strong fisherman who desperately wants to find a seashell with a pearl inside. Should he give up the whale he caught for a shiny seashell that is right within his reach?
This tale is part of the series of tales inspired by the classical book of tales “Kalila wa Dumna”.
Written by Fatima Sharafeddine and Illustrated by Manal Haddadine Hardcover, 30 x 23 cm, 28 pages, colour, 2009, ISBN 9789948037590, published by Kalimat Publishers
Dupy, the fool, and Willy, the cunning, are partners in a business selling dyed fabrics. After making pots of money, they decide to stop trading and share the profits. But Willy plans to cheat Dupy out of his share of the money. Is he smart enough to get away with his plans?
The Hare and the King of Elephants - Al Arnab Wa Maliku El Fiala
Written by Samar Mahfouz Barraj and Illustrated by Manal Haddadine
Hardcover, 30 x 23 cm, 28 pages, colour, 2009, ISBN 9789948037590, published by Kalimat Publishers
In this colourful book for older children, Fayruz , a charming little hare, uses her wits to scare away a troop of elephants that was disrupting the peaceful life of the hares. This tale is part of the series of tales inspired by the classical book of tales “Kalila wa Dumna”.
Written by Sanaa Chabbani and Illustrated by Manal Haddadine
Hardcover, 30 x 23 cm, 28 pages, colour, 2009, ISBN 9789948037408, published by Kalimat Publishers
Roomy the cat is stuck in a hunter’s net and Freydoon the rat is surrounded by enemies. If he helps Roomy out of the net Roomy will be able to save him in return. But who will save Freydoon from the cat? Will they hel p each other escape and become friends?
Written by Fatima Sharafeddine and Illustrated Intilaq Mohammed Ali
Hardcover, 30 x 23 cm, 28 pages, colour, 2009, ISBN 9789948035386, published by Kalimat Publishers
This is the first book in a cultural series about personalities from our civilization. ‘Ibn Battouta’ explains through a series of fascinating anecdotes the travels of the globe-trotting Ibn Battouta. He left behind an outstanding book detailing his adventures and the cultures of the diverse lands he visited.